Monthly Club Meeting

It’s a Dangerous World Out There…… Especially If You’re a Motorcycle Tire!

Some of us have ridden for years without ever having a flat tire while others have endured enough flats to be in the Flat Tire Hall of Fame. Regardless of which group you are in, you’ll want to be at this month’s meeting where we will explore the various temporary repair techniques designed to get you back on the road.

Strings, mushrooms and brass tipped plugs…..most everyone has their favorite. We’ll demonstrate each to the best of our ability and ask which have worked (or not worked) for you. Then we’ll look at various inflation options to get you rolling again.

We’ll even have a practice tire, so don’t miss this opportunity to brush up on your skills.

Date: October 6, 2018

Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m.

Location: Broward Motorsports of WPB
2300 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL


1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Welcome New Members and Guests
3. President’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Tire Repair Presentation
6. Review of Upcoming Events
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Adjournment

Ride to Lunch. Location TBD


Starts On

October 6, 2018 - 10:00 am

Ends On

2:00 pm


Broward Motorsports West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach
United States
Show map