Monthly Meeting/Burn Up Company Tour

Monthly Meeting/Burn Up Company Tour

Ready For A Little Motorcycle Magic???


There is a magical place in the historic district in West Palm Beach called the Burn Up Company. It’s a rider’s paradise where  David Plotkin and a group of passionate moto magicians restore unique and forgotten motorcycles.  Then they  work through them nut and bolt to get them up-and-running and back on the road; where they belong.  The main objective at Burn Up Company is to breathe new life and functionality into these vintage machines, while building a long-lasting relationship with their new owners.

And we are going to get close up and personal with the men, women and the machines at The Burn Up company at our next club meeting on March 3rd.

This is a very cool place to hang out with couches, a pool table, a big screen TV and about a zillion amazing bikes to drool over.

We are going to meet at our regular location, Broward Motorsports promptly at 10:00 AM (Ron Torres Gatherer), take care of business and then take a short group ride over to The Burn Up Company at 11:15. If you can’t wait to see what they are all about you can check out the website here:

You really, really, really don’t want to miss this meeting. See you on the Saturday the 3rd, Broward Motorsports 2300 Okeechobee Blvd. WPB.



  1. Meeting called to order
  2. Welcome New Members and Guests
  3. President’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Soiree Recap
  6. Review of Upcoming Events
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment
  10. Ride to Burn Up Company


Starts On

March 3, 2018 - 10:00 am

Ends On

2:00 pm


Broward Motorsports West Palm Beach

2300 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach
United States
Show map